About me

About me

I look forward to seeing you in my private practice.

You are in good hands with me in this sensitive medical field. As a patient, you place your trust in me with an intimate question – I am very aware of that. My private office offers the right environment to devote myself to your concerns in detail.

Cool Timeline

March 25 2021

Born in Vienna in 1988

March 25 2021

Graduation from Trinity School, Teignmouth, Great Britain and Theresian Academy, Vienna

March 25 2021

Military service and officer training in the Austrian Armed Forces

March 25 2021

Research activity at the Yale School of Medicine, USA

March 25 2021

Doctorate at the Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg

March 25 2021

Training to become a general practitioner at the LKH Salzburg

March 25 2021

Training to become a specialist in urology at the LKH Salzburg

March 25 2021

Training as a palliative and occupational medicine specialist as well as an emergency doctor